Pre-Deposit Plan (Revised Preferred Strategy)
7 The Revised Preferred Strategy
7.1 The Revised Preferred Strategy for the 2RLDP is a hybrid between 2 different options. Consequently, it is necessary to refine the strategy to identify the elements from each strategy option that will be combined to deliver a cohesive overall strategy for the plan.
Areas of Growth
7.2 The Revised Preferred Strategy is comprised of two specific strategy options that that adhere to policy considerations outlined in Future Wales, namely Strategy Option 4 - Metro Investment Focus (Future Wales Policy 12 - Regional Connectivity, Policy 36 - South East Metro), and Strategy Option 5 - Town Centre First (Future Wales Policy 6 - Town Centre First)
7.3 The Metro Investment Focus requires that development be located to maximise the benefits from investment into the Metro and the potential for modal shift to sustainable transport. To do this development will need to be located close to sustainable transport links, primarily the major bus and rail stations across the County Borough. The rail stations within the County Borough are located on the Rhymney Valley Line, which runs up the western side of the County Borough from Caerphilly to Rhymney, and the Ebbw Vale Line that runs up the eastern side of the County Borough from Risca through to Newbridge and Crumlin. It should be noted that Blackwood is not located on a rail line and Nelson, whilst on the Cwmbargoed line, does not have passenger services. However, both have bus centres that would include them within the metro focus. In addition to these two centres, Bargoed and Caerphilly also have bus stations.
7.4 The Town Centre First Policy seeks to locate development within and close to existing towns and cities across the region. In terms of the County Borough this means looking to locate development close to, or within the County Borough's Principal and Local Settlements in the first instance. It should be noted, however, that these settlements have significant constraints that limit the amount of development that they could reasonably be expected to accommodate. The levels of growth identified in the Revised Preferred Strategy means that sites for development will also need to be identified in other settlements but located in the best locations in terms of the Metro and town centre focuses. Evidence base Document PS3 - Settlement Role, Function and Sustainability Analysis identifies residential centres that are suitable for accommodating growth in line with the strategy and residential centres that are not suitable for accommodating growth. Development sites outside of the Principal and Local Settlements will be targeted to the residential centres that can accommodate growth.
7.5 The Principal and Local Settlements all have rail or major bus stations, with the exception of Bedwas which is in close proximity to Caerphilly, and, as such, both options indicate a requirement to identify new growth and development in proximity to those centres. In addition, new growth will also be located in residential settlements that, due to their location and proximity to sustainable transport and the Principal and Local Settlements, are suitable for accommodating growth.
7.6 Normally the plan would identify strategy areas within which certain levels of growth and development would be expected. However, the linear nature of the metro stations and the distribution of the Principal and Local Settlements do not lend themselves to forming cohesive spatial strategy areas. Consequently, the Revised Preferred Strategy does not identify spatial strategy areas within the County Borough.
Policy PS3: Settlement Hierarchy
PS3 The following settlement hierarchy is identified for the County Borough. New development and growth will be focussed on the Principal and Local Centres and residential centres that are suitable for growth identified in the following settlement Hierarchy to support their role and function:
- Principal Settlements: Bargoed , Blackwood, Ystrad Mynach, Caerphilly, Risca/Pontymister
- Local Settlements: Rhymney, Nelson, Newbridge, Bedwas
- Residential Settlements Suitable for accommodating Growth:
- Residential Settlements Not Suitable for accommodating Growth:
- Rural Settlements: All other settlements located outside defined settlement boundaries
Policy PS4: Areas of Growth
PS4 Growth and new development will be targeted towards the Principal and Local Centres in the first instance and then to Residential Settlements Suitable for accommodating Growth. Development in these Residential Settlements will be allowed where it accords with the role and function of the settlement and is based on sound placemaking principles and promotes sustainable transport. Development in Residential Settlements Not Suitable for Growth will be allowed where the proposed development is of a small-scale and it accords with the role and function of the settlement. Development in Rural Settlements will not normally be permitted unless the development is small scale and comprises infilling of an otherwise built-up frontage or constitutes logical rounding off.
Key Land Use Issues
7.8 Chapter 3 sets out the key land use issues that the 2RLDP will need to address in order for the plan to be successful. The Policies that follow reflect the main strategic issues that are facing the County Borough and provide the overarching policy framework for addressing them.
Climate Change
Policy PS5: Climate Change
PS5 All development proposals must make a positive contribution towards addressing the causes of, and adapting to the impacts of, climate change by demonstrating that the design of the development has taken account of the following:
- The proposals maximise resource efficiency and utilise sustainable construction techniques using locally sourced materials;
- The proposals promote low/zero carbon energy requirements through reducing energy use and promoting energy efficiency;
- The proposals maximise the opportunities for renewable energy technology and repowering;
- The proposals maximise the opportunities for co-locating developments and promote sustainable transport, in accordance with the sustainable transport hierarchy;
- The proposals are designed to be resilient to, and mitigate for, the impacts of climate change;
- The proposals promote decarbonisation;
- The development is not in an area at risk of flooding arising from watercourses, groundwater or surface water, whilst maximising water efficiency and minimising adverse impacts upon the quality of water resources;
- The proposals promote resilience through maximising the opportunities for enhancing green infrastructure as part of the design of the development.
Decarbonisation - Renewable Energy Generation
7.10 Decarbonisation, as a measure to tackle the contributors towards global warming and to mitigate against its effects, is a key strand in Welsh Government policy on development. The generation of energy from renewable and zero carbon sources is an essential part of delivering decarbonisation. Future Wales requires Council's to be proactive in delivering renewable energy generation and identifies Pre-Assessed Areas throughout Wales where large-scale wind energy is, in principle, acceptable and where the principle of landscape change is accepted. On a more local scale the Council will support and encourage appropriate schemes for renewable energy generation and will also work together with energy providers to deliver appropriate schemes. To reflect this the Revised Preferred Strategy includes a policy to support the delivery of renewable energy.
Policy PS6: Renewable Energy Generation
PS6 The Council will support and promote schemes for the generation of energy from renewable and zero carbon sources.
7.11 The Council has produced a Decarbonisation Strategy: Reduce, Produce, Offset and Buy and an accompanying Prospectus and Action Plan. This strategy sets out how the Council intends to reduce its own carbon footprint and deliver the overarching objective of being a net carbon neutral authority by 2030. The accompanying Action Plan details the actions the Council will take, including maximising renewal energy generation on Council homes and buildings and tree planting.
Sustainable Development – Placemaking
7.12 The delivery of sustainable development is a duty on all local authorities throughout Wales. Sustainable development and the creation of sustainable places promotes active and healthy lifestyles and contributes significantly to well-being. The delivery of sustainable development is underpinned by placemaking, and the plan will be underpinned by sound placemaking principles.
Policy PS7: Placemaking Principles
PS7 All development proposals must enhance well-being through the protection and enhancement of the economic, social, environmental and cultural aspects of the County Borough and contribute towards the following strategic placemaking principles:
- Creating a rich mix of uses;
- Providing a variety of housing types and tenures;
- Building places at a walkable scale, with homes, local facilities and public transport within walking distance of each other;
- Increasing population density, with development built at urban densities that can support public transport and local facilities;
- Establishing a permeable network of streets, with a hierarchy that informs the nature of development;
- Promoting a plot-based approach to development, which provides opportunities for the development of small plots, including for custom and self-builders; and
- Integrating green infrastructure, informed by the planning authority's Green Infrastructure Assessment.
Nature Based – Green and Blue Infrastructure
7.13 The requirements for Councils to deliver both the biodiversity duty and the duty to deliver sustainable development means that green and blue infrastructure is an important consideration in any development proposals and must be a fundamental element of their design. The Council must maintain and enhance green and blue infrastructure in their decisions and the 2RLDP will need to ensure that green and blue infrastructure enhancement is at the very heart of the plan. Consequently, the Revised Preferred Strategy sets out an overarching policy under which detailed policies will be introduced through the Deposit 2RLDP to deliver the Council's duties. Developers will, therefore, need to show that opportunities for green and blue infrastructure have been maximised as part of any development proposals and that their developments deliver Net Benefit for Biodiversity.
Policy PS8: Green and Blue Infrastructure
PS8 All development proposals must maintain, and enhance green and blue infrastructure assets by promoting the following key functions:
- Biodiversity and Ecosystem Resilience
- Landscape & Quality of Place;
- Greenspace Provision;
- Connectivity;
- Water Management and embedding SuDS principles into development proposals from the outset.
Employment & Tourism
7.14 Employment is the principal issue that the 2RLDP will need to address to deliver the Revised Preferred Strategy, which is based upon the County Borough achieving a growth in population and, in particular, economic population, to be in a position to deliver employment growth in line with the CCR and regional aspirations. To do this the 2RLDP will need to identify land for employment development that will assist in addressing the economic pressures that have arisen from the impacts of Covid-19, Brexit and natural changes in the economy which are predicted to adversely impact on the County Borough's largest employment sector, manufacturing. In addition, the 2RLDP will also seek to expand and enhance the town centre and visitor offer to assist in generating economic growth for the County Borough.
Policy PS9: Managing Employment Growth
PS9 Provision will be made for 44.5 hectares of land to be identified for employment use in order to meet the employment requirements of the plan period. This provision will be met from existing and new sites that accord with the strategy.
7.15 Tourism makes an important contribution to the local economy, and there is significant investment planned to enhance the tourist offer in the County Borough. Regeneration activities are focussing on the enhancement of tourism generally, along with widening and encouraging tourist related activities and the development of visitor accommodation. A key element in delivering an improved visitor offer is increasing accessibility through sustainable transport, including metro improvements and local active improvements which link tourist assets together.
Policy PS10: Managing Tourism Growth
PS10 The Council will seek to expand and enhance the tourist potential of the County Borough through:
- The identification of appropriate land for tourism related uses;
- Facilitating the development of visitor accommodation in appropriate locations;
- Improving accessibility to visitor attractions through sustainable transport and active travel;
- The protection and enhancement of the County Borough's natural and historic assets that give the County Borough its unique identity.
7.16 It is essential that the 2RLDP makes provision for sufficient housing, of the appropriate type, size and affordability, and in the right places to enable the County Borough to attract and sustain the level of population growth that will support and deliver the economic aspirations of the plan.
7.17 The 2RLDP must make provision for sufficient residential land to meet the future needs of communities for both market and affordable housing. The Revised Preferred Strategy supports a housing requirement of 6,750 dwellings over the plan period, or 450 dwellings per annum, based on the CCR Working age population growth scenario. This is a dwelling led scenario, which would support growth in the working age population at a level that would accord with the economic growth aspirations of the Cardiff Capital Region and would require a level of housing that is realistic but ambitious in respect of past trends, accords with regional potential growth, reinforcing Caerphilly County Borough's position within a National Growth Area in Future Wales and assisting in the delivery of affordable housing. The Population and Housing Growth Options Paper provides a more detailed assessment of the scenarios considered and the justification for the preferred growth option.
7.18 As required by the Development Plans Manual (Edition 3), an allowance of 10% has been added to the housing requirement to allow choice and flexibility, as there may be unforeseen circumstances that affect the delivery of housing allocations. This flexibility allowance could be subject to change in the Deposit 2RLDP following the allocation of sites in accordance with the Revised Preferred Strategy.
7.19 The provision of 6,750 new dwellings will be delivered by a number of components of the Housing Land Supply, as set out below. Detailed information on how each of the components has been derived can be found in the Housing Land Supply and Affordable Housing Target Evidence Base Paper.
- Total Completions: Large and small completions in 2021-2024 – 1,378
- Units under construction: As of base date of 1st April 2021 - 198
- Units with planning permission: Only those sites considered deliverable in the plan period (large sites only) - 1,541
- Applications awaiting determination: Only those sites acceptable in principle (large sites only) - 359
- Large windfall sites: Based on 73 units per annum average for the last 7 years of the plan period - 511
- Small windfall sites: Based on 60 units per annum for the remaining 11 years of the plan period - 660
- Total Number of Units - 4,647
- Housing Requirement - 6,750
- Housing Provision: Housing Requirement plus Flexibility Allowance (10%) - 7,425
- New allocations required: (Housing Provision – Total) - 2,778
7.20 The Deposit 2RLDP will include a housing trajectory, which will set out the anticipated housing delivery rates over the plan period. This will form the basis for the future monitoring of the delivery of the components of housing supply against targets.
Policy PS11: Managing Housing Growth
PS11 Provision will be made for land to be allocated to accommodate a total of 7,425 dwellings to meet a housing requirement of 6750 dwellings for the plan period.
7.21 The Council aims to ensure that everyone in the County Borough has access to a good quality home that meets their housing requirements. The provision of a range of housing that is affordable to the local population is vital in achieving this. A shortfall of affordable housing is a significant issue facing residents in the County Borough. Indeed, the 2018 Local Housing Market Assessment (LHMA) indicates that there is a shortfall of 282 affordable units per annum for the five-year period 2018-2023. The Council has prepared a new LHMA that covers the period from April 2024 to March 2028. This has been formally submitted to Welsh Government for its consideration. When approved the new LHMA will form the basis for the LDP, and the plan will be updated with this information as part of the preparation of the Deposit Plan.
7.22 The target of at least 1,360 affordable dwellings reflects the number of units that it is expected can be delivered across the County Borough through the use of planning obligations and conditions. The components that contribute to the affordable housing target are summarised below. Further details can be found in the Housing Land Supply and Affordable Housing Target Evidence Base Paper.
- Total Completions (up to 31st March 2021): 75;
- Units under construction: 47;
- Units with planning permission: 387;
- Applications awaiting determination: 41;
- Potential contribution from new allocations: 652;
- Potential contribution from windfall sites: 158;
- Total: 1,360.
7.23 A policy setting out site size thresholds and area specific targets based on a robust assessment of viability will be included within the Deposit 2RLDP following the completion of an update to the Affordable Housing Viability Assessment. The Deposit 2RLDP will also be supported by an updated LHMA, reflecting recent changes to the LHMA methodology.
Policy PS12: Affordable Housing Target
PS12 The Council will seek to deliver at least 1,360 affordable dwellings through the planning system during the plan period up to 2035 in order to contribute to balanced and sustainable communities.
7.24 It should be noted that this target is based on the viability area specific affordable housing targets in the adopted LDP and may be subject to change following the completion of detailed viability work and the outcomes of the candidate site assessment process and the completion of the new LHMA.
Sustainable Transport
7.25 A move towards sustainable modes of transport is essential in tackling the issues of climate change, congestion and air quality. In order to maximise these opportunities all development proposals will need to demonstrate that the sustainable transport hierarchy has been adhered to.
Policy PS13: Sustainable Transport Hierarchy
PS13 All proposals must demonstrate that accessibility and movement have been based upon the following sustainable transport hierarchy as a fundamental part of the design of the proposed development:
- Walking
- Cycling
- Sustainable public transport
- Electric vehicles and ULEVs
- Other vehicles
7.26 Llwybr Newydd, the Wales Transport Strategy 2021, sets an ambitious target of 45% of all trips to be made by sustainable modes by 2045. To get anywhere near achieving this modal shift target it is essential that development plans include ambitious policies addressing this issue. Currently, however, there is a lack of readily available information to inform where we are currently and how far we are down the road to modal shift change. Consequently, the Revised Preferred Strategy does not include a specific County Borough based target, rather it seeks deliver change in accordance with the national targets.
Policy PS14: Modal Shift
PS14 The Council will encourage and support proposals that will promote modal shift to assist in delivering the Welsh Government target of 45% of trips by sustainable modes by 2040
Policy PS15: Transport Improvement
PS15 The Council will support improvements to the transport network that:
- Improve the South East Wales Metro system
- Improve accessibility to the Principal and Local Centres and to employment opportunities
- Improve sustainable transport provision;
- Promote and enable the use of ultra-low emission vehicles through the provision of charging infrastructure
- Improve the active travel network increasing accessibility in local areas;
- Improve the strategic highway network where proposals will increase accessibility, mitigate against congestion, contribute towards sustainable transport reliability or enhance the resilience of the strategic highway network;
- Improve facilities associated with sustainable transport, including parking measures that would increase modal shift;
7.28 As part of actions to improve the transport infrastructure, it is essential the 2RLDP maximises the opportunities to repurpose former rail lines for transport related developments, including developing them for passenger transport purposes. Consequently, it is important to protect former rail routes from development that could prejudice their future transport use.
Policy PS16: Safeguarding Former Rail Lines
PS16 The routes of former railway lines that have the potential for transport related development will be safeguarded, particularly those that facilitate walking, cycling, rail freight or passenger movements.
Policy PS17: Protecting Strategic Transport Improvement Routes
PS17 The Council will protect the following strategic transport improvement routes from inappropriate development and will support and promote proposals for their implementation:
PS17.1 Cwmbargoed rail line (reinstatement of passenger services)
PS17.2 Caerphilly/Machen/Newport rail line (reinstatement of passenger services)
7.30 The establishment of a road hierarchy will facilitate the efficient use of the highway network by ensuring that traffic is channelled onto the most appropriate routes in order to maintain appropriate environmental, amenity and safety conditions. Maintaining an efficient and safe highway network will assist public transport services in the form of buses, maintaining their frequency and ensuring that they run to schedule.
Policy PS18: Road Hierarchy
PS18 The following road hierarchy is identified to ensure a safe and efficient highway network:
- The Strategic Highway Network
- County Routes
- Distributor Roads
- Access Roads
7.31 The Revised Preferred Strategy seeks to locate development in close proximity to the main sustainable transport nodes and service centres in the County Borough. Retailing is a fundamental element of the functions that the main service centres perform and as such the retail hierarchy will influence where growth is located in the County Borough. In addition, Future Wales identifies that major retail and public sector development should be located within the main centres as the first consideration. Consequently, it is important that the retail functions of the main centres are protected from inappropriate development, whilst allowing flexibility in order for the centres to continue to thrive.
Policy PS19: Hierarchy of Commercial Centres
PS19 The following hierarchy is identified for the retail centres in the County Borough. Proposals for retailing and significant public sector development should use the retailing hierarchy as the basis for a sequential approach for the location of development:
- Principal Centres – Bargoed, Blackwood, and Caerphilly;
- Town Centres – Risca/Pontymister, Newbridge and Ystrad Mynach;
- Local Centres – Abertridwr, Bedwas, Fleur-de-lis, Nelson, Pontlottyn, Rhymney and Trethomas;
- Retail Warehouse Parks – Blackwood Gate, Blackwood and Gallagher Retail Park, Caerphilly;
- Other Defined/Neighbourhood Centres – Aberbargoed, Abercarn, Cefn Fforest, Crumlin, Cwmcarn, Maesycwmmer, New Tredegar, Oakdale, Senghenydd.
Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation
7.32 It is a requirement that the Council takes account of the needs of the Gypsy and Traveller community in preparing their development plans. The Council is required to prepare a Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment (GTAA) which will inform that process. The latest GTAA was approved by Welsh Government in July 2024. The GTAA has identified a need for 5 residential pitches in the five-year period up to 2026 and a further 3 pitches in remainder of the 2RLDP plan period, giving a total need of 8 pitches until the end of Plan period.
7.33 A planning application has been submitted for four pitches, which is awaiting determination. Should planning permission be granted then the unmet need figure will be reduced.
7.34 Land will be identified to accommodate any unmet Gypsy and Traveller accommodation need in the Deposit Plan. The Deposit Plan will also include a criteria-based policy to guide the determination of planning applications for Gypsy and Traveller sites.
Policy PS20: Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation
PS20 Land will be made available to accommodate an unmet Gypsy and Traveller accommodation need of 8 residential pitches as identified in the latest Gypsy & Traveller Accommodation Assessment.
7.35 It is a statutory requirement for the Council to maintain an adequate supply of minerals and maintain a minimum 10-year land bank of permitted aggregate reserves throughout the plan period. To do this the Council will protect existing minerals resources, reserves and infrastructure from inappropriate development and ensure sufficient reserves have been permitted to provide the 25-years' worth that would ensure a minimum 10-year land bank at the end of the plan period.
Policy PS21: Minerals
PS21 The Council will contribute to the demand for a continuous supply of minerals by:
- Safeguarding known resources of sand and gravel, crushed rock;
- Maintaining a minimum 10-year land bank of permitted aggregate reserves throughout the plan period;
- Encouraging the efficient and appropriate use of high-quality minerals, safeguarding minerals infrastructure and maximising the potential for the use of secondary and recycled aggregates as an alternative to primary land won resources.
Waste Management
7.36 The provision for waste management infrastructure is made at a sub-regional level and, as such, the Revised Preferred Strategy does not make provision for waste infrastructure. However, it is important that the Revised Preferred Strategy includes overarching policies that facilitate the delivery of the elements of the hierarchy.
Policy PS22: Sustainable Waste Management
PS22 To facilitate the delivery of sustainable management of waste the Plan will:
- Ensure that proposals conform to the principles of the waste hierarchy supporting those that move waste up the hierarchy;
- Support an integrated and adequate network of waste management installations that has regard to the nearest appropriate installation concept and self-sufficiency principles where necessary;
- Identify suitable allocated and protected Class B2 industrial sites that are appropriate for in-building waste management treatment facilities, subject to detailed planning considerations;
- Support the circular economy by encouraging the minimisation of the production of waste and the use of reused and recycled materials in the design, construction and demolition stages of development; and
- Ensure that provision is made for the sustainable management, sorting, storage and collection of waste in all new development.
7.37 The Revised Preferred Strategy Key Diagram is set out below. It should be noted that the Key Diagram is an indicative plan and that it shows the specific allocations set out within the Preferred Strategy in the context of the County Borough. The diagram is not to a specific scale or based upon an OS Map Base. Consequently, the allocations identified on it are indicative and do not specific sites or routes.